April 1st is Census Day across the country. The census is the official count of who lives in a place, and it determines the access that communities will have to funding for roads, housing, hospitals, food programs, and more for the next 10 years.

Things you need to know about the Census:
Determines representation and funding
Data drives decisions made at all levels
Takes approximately 10 minutes to complete
Responses can be submitted online, on the phone, or by mail
Your responses are confidential, as required by Title 13 of the U.S. Code
There is NOT a citizenship question on the Census
Following ways to complete:
Online at My2020Census.gov
By phone at 844-330-2020 (English) — a list of phone numbers in different languages is available at Census.gov
By returning the paper questionnaire, which you should have received by mail
Learn more about the 2020 Census and count yourself today at 2020census.gov