The CAPDD Revolving Loan Program is a crucial tool for economic development, serving to assist local companies in bridging the funding "gap" left by the absence of adequate local financial markets. These financing programs may be available to small businesses in Faulkner, Lonoke, Monroe, Prairie, Pulaski, and Saline counties.

In order to help our member municipal and county governments, we are dedicated to provide staff services, grant writing, and grant management. The procurement and implementation of State and Federal funding opportunities are included in these services.

We offer information on the requirements for several grant programs and helps prospective candidates choose the ones that best suit their needs. There are many options for community and economic development planning, including (but not limited to) FEMA Hazard Mitigation Plans, Solid Waste Management Plans, Community & Economic Development Strategies, Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP), and Disaster Recovery Plans.

We provide assistance with 911 addressing, emergency management planning, and floodplain management services in the majority of the municipalities located within our serving district. These services vary depending on where you are located.
CAPDD offers community and economic development services to Faulkner, Lonoke, Monroe, Prairie, Pulaski, and Saline Counties and the communities therein. We help cities and counties apply for grant money while collaborating with a number of funding sources, and after the projects are funded, we manage them. Public works including industrial park infrastructure, community water and wastewater systems, rural fire departments, daycare centers, senior citizen centers, recreational facilities, and many more are built through the coordination of project planning, finance, management, and administration.
The Central Arkansas Planning and Development District is committed to providing grant writing, grant management, and staff services needed by our member municipal and county governments. We collaborate with a range of federal and state grant sources and are excited to assist you in locating potential funding for your community's needs.

FEMA Hazard Mitigation Plans
Hazard mitigation is the cornerstone of emergency management. It is defined as any sustained
action to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to life and property from a hazard event. Mitigation
encourages long-term reduction of hazard vulnerability. The goal of mitigation is to save lives
and reduce property damage. The following plans were developed to assess the ongoing natural hazard mitigation activities, to evaluate additional mitigation measures that should be undertaken, and to outline a strategy for implementation of mitigation projects. Please note that Ashley and Drew County are not in the CAPDD district.